The project exhibition in John Lewis Store, Birmingham

Creating fun and mayhem on the shop floor in John Lewis (1)

Creating fun and mayhem on the shop floor in John Lewis (3)

The project exhibition in John Lewis Store, Birmingham
Lost Communities Exhibition
John Lewis Store, Birmingham - September 2016
As part of the 'Lost Communities' project, we created a special exhibition for Birmingham Heritage Week 2016, in the John Lewis Department Store. Four of us dressed in costume as people from Birmingham’s past, and accosted shoppers in the store!
The four were: Tara Hutchinson, as Morris Dight the Optician; Daniel Kirby, as Loo Bloom the Tailor; Katie Tonks, as Guiseppi Saracine the Ice Cream Seller; and Hollie Wynde, as Polly Greenhill the Washer Woman
Watch us in action, below. And let Gill Adamson be your guide as she takes you round the exhibition itself.
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